In response to recent changes in STA invoicing rules, the NDIS guidelines now necessitate more stringent documentation requirements to ensure compliance. These changes impact how plan managers assess claims for Short Term Accommodation (STA) and highlight the need for specific evidence to support these claims. For service providers, it’s essential to understand these requirements, as many plan managers are already requesting additional documentation. Below, we’ll cover essential tips for navigating these changes, ensuring compliance, and streamlining your STA invoicing process.

1. Understand the New Documentation Requirements

To align with current NDIS guidelines, service providers should include the following when submitting STA claims:

2. Clarify the Purpose of STA and Align with NDIS Criteria

For STA claims to be successful, the support provided must be directly related to the participant’s disability. It’s crucial that STA:

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3. Show the Value for Money in Your STA Invoices

The NDIS reviews STA claims for cost-effectiveness. To comply:

4. Strengthen Your Service Agreements

Service agreements are crucial in demonstrating the relationship between the provider and the participant. Ensure your service agreements:

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5. Maintain a Detailed Roster for Support Workers

Having a detailed roster of support workers during STA will help avoid issues with claim verification:

6. Record Activity Descriptions for Each Participant’s Stay

The activities provided during an STA stay play a significant role in justifying the claim. Plan managers will want assurance that these activities align with NDIS goals and meet funding criteria. Here’s how to meet this expectation:

7. Organise Invoices to Include All Required Documentation

To avoid delays in payments or the need for clarification, ensure that each STA invoice includes:

8. Prepare for Random NDIS Audits

With these new documentation requirements, there’s an increased possibility of audits to verify compliance. To be prepared:

9. Respond to Plan Manager Requests Promptly

Some plan managers may begin requesting additional STA evidence immediately. A prompt and complete response can expedite the approval process and maintain a positive working relationship with plan managers.

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The recent changes in STA invoicing and documentation requirements from the NDIS highlight the importance of thorough, clear documentation and compliance. By implementing these best practices, service providers can reduce the risk of delays or disputes over STA claims. Furthermore, by aligning activities and services with participants’ NDIS goals and meeting the criteria of the NDIS, providers can ensure that their STA services continue to offer high-quality, impactful support to participants. Staying organised, proactive, and transparent in your invoicing process will position you well to navigate these changes successfully.