Agency Managed Plans
In agency-managed plans, the NDIA takes charge of the funding and directly compensates service providers. The Disability Support Project offers assistance to participants with agency-managed plans in comprehending the available services and optimising their plans’ benefits.
Assistive Technology
Assistive technology encompasses tools or systems that empower individuals to complete tasks they might otherwise struggle with, enhancing task performance in terms of ease and safety. The Disability Support Project facilitates the coordination of such support for participants when it becomes necessary.
Capacity Building Supports
Capacity building supports facilitate the growth of participants’ autonomy and skills. The Disability Support Project may coordinate these types of supports to empower participants to actively engage in their communities and manage their lives to the fullest extent possible.
Capital Supports
Capital supports involve investments like assistive technologies, equipment, home or vehicle modifications, and Specialist Disability Accommodation funding. The Disability Support Project aids participants in organizing these supports, thereby fostering a more independent and comfortable lifestyle.
Choice and Control
The Disability Support Project is dedicated to the principle of choice and control, which grants participants the authority to make decisions based on their priorities. This encompasses selecting providers for delivering funded assistance.
Core Supports
Core Supports aid participants in daily activities, addressing disability-related requirements, and pursuing goals. These are categorized into Daily Activities, Home Living, Social and Community Participation, and Transport. The Disability Support Project assists participants in leveraging Core Supports effectively.
Early Childhood
Early Intervention (ECEI) This approach targets children aged 0-6 with developmental delays or disabilities, fostering their skill development and optimal life outcomes through family support. The Disability Support Project might aid families within this program by coordinating appropriate support.
Funded Supports
Funded supports encompass the specific services and assistance the NDIS agrees to finance for a participant. The Disability Support Project guides participants in the implementation of these funded supports.
Functional Capacity
Functional capacity denotes an individual’s ability to manage daily life tasks. It’s a pivotal concept in NDIS assessments determining required support. The Disability Support Project tailors its support strategies based on participants’ functional capacity.
Goals play a central role at The Disability Support Project. They enable participants to define their objectives, allowing The Disability Support Project to orchestrate services and assistance that facilitate goal attainment.
Individualised Funding
Individualised funding constitutes the segment of a participant’s NDIS plan allocated for procuring required services and supports. The Disability Support Project helps participants comprehend and effectively employ their individualised funding.
Informal Network
The informal network encompasses a participant’s social connections, encompassing friends, family, and the community. The Disability Support Project considers this network while devising support strategies, acknowledging its vital role in participants’ lives.
Informal Supports
Informal supports comprise unpaid assistance offered by family and friends. The Disability Support Project takes these into consideration while coordinating a participant’s plan to ensure a comprehensive approach.
LAC (Local Area Coordinator)
LACs serve as a vital link between participants, service providers, and the NDIS. The Disability Support Project may collaborate with LACs to aid participants in accessing services and implementing their plans.
Mainstream Services
Mainstream services, provided outside the NDIS by government agencies or community organizations (e.g., education, health, housing), can significantly contribute to participants’ goals. The Disability Support Project might assist participants in engaging with these services.
NDIA (National Disability Insurance Agency)
As the implementer of the NDIS, the NDIA is the source of The Disability Support Project’s clients’ funding. Understanding NDIA rules and procedures is pivotal for The Disability Support Project’s effective client service.
NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme)
The NDIS furnishes funding for necessary supports. The Disability Support Project operates within the NDIS framework to maximize participants’ plan outcomes.
NDIS Registered Provider
NDIS registered providers offer products or services to NDIS participants while adhering to NDIA requirements. The Disability Support Project itself is a NDIS Registered Provider.
Participants are individuals with disabilities approved for NDIS funding, whom The Disability Support Project serves.
Participant Statement
A participant statement outlines personal details, living arrangements, current supports, daily routines, and short/long-term goals. This document aids The Disability Support Project in understanding participants’ situations and aspirations.
Periodic Supports
Periodic supports are regularly scheduled but non-daily assistance, such as weekly therapy sessions. The Disability Support Project aids participants in managing and coordinating these supports.
The plan outlines a participant’s services and supports, guiding The Disability Support Project in decision-making and service coordination.
Plan Management
While The Disability Support Project’s primary role is support coordination, understanding plan financial management is crucial for effective support coordination.
Plan Nominee
A plan nominee assists a participant in managing their NDIS plan, and The Disability Support Project collaborates closely with them in such cases.
Plan Review
Plan reviews assess the current plan’s success and determine modifications for the next phase. The Disability Support Project supports participants in preparing for reviews and advocating for their needs.
Plans In plan-managed plans, a professional manager handles funding. The Disability Support Project collaborates with plan managers to align support coordination with participants’ budgets.
Price Guide
The Price Guide outlines NDIS support costs. The Disability Support Project employs this guide to help participants allocate funds optimally.
Providers offer specific services to participants. The Disability Support Project collaborates with various providers to ensure participants receive needed services.
Psychosocial Disability
The Disability Support Project tailors its services to participants with psychosocial disabilities, stemming from mental health conditions.
Reasonable and Necessary Supports
The Disability Support Project operates within the principle of reasonable and necessary supports, ensuring all eligible supports are recognised and funded by the NDIS.
SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation)
For high-support needs requiring specialised housing, The Disability Support Project assists participants in exploring options and coordinating with SDA providers.
Self-Managed Plans
In self-managed plans, participants oversee their NDIS funding, and The Disability Support Project aids them in navigating this responsibility effectively.
Service Agreement
Service agreements outline service delivery, expectations, and issue resolution. The Disability Support Project helps participants understand and establish these agreements.
Silent Supports
These are unallocated supports acknowledged in a participant’s plan. CoAbility considers them while coordinating services.
SIL (Supported Independent Living)
SIL funding aids participants in independent living. CoAbility assists in sourcing and coordinating these supports.
STA (Short Term Accommodation)
For temporary accommodation, CoAbility aids in finding and coordinating with STA providers.
Support coordinators like The Disability Support Project assist participants in planning and coordinating their supports.
Support Coordination
The Disability Support Project’s service involves support coordination to ensure effective NDIS plan implementation.
Support Worker
Support workers directly assist participants. The Disability Support Project assists participants in finding suitable support workers.
Understanding NDIS terminology empowers participants. The Disability Support Project is committed to providing personalised guidance, simplifying the NDIS journey for participants to achieve their aspirations.
Every individual’s needs are unique, and The Disability Support Project is here to offer tailored support. Let’s begin the conversation about your NDIS journey.
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